How a Massage Can Provide Relief After a Car Accident

Pain is a primary reason that customers come to a massage center. Car accidents are a large reason for pain being treated. Car accidents can cause a lot of stress on the body’s muscles. In situations where the accident is at a high speed or a car gets hit at a forceful rate, it can cause whiplash (forceful back and forth movement in the neck). Whiplash can be very severe, as it can tear tendons or muscles in the neck and shoulder area. Untreated pain after a car accident can sometimes lead to chronic pain, so it is important to address any injuries as soon as possible. Sometimes after an accident, people can go into shock and ignore the pain. It is important to address this as soon as possible. Here are some ways massages can provide relief, post-car accident.


Reducing Overall Pain

an impact can lead to soreness in the body. Even if you don’t feel it is necessary, it is a good idea to get a massage after an accident. After an impact, muscles instinctively tighten, causing a lot of tension This can affect the range at which your muscles can move. Massages help relieve the stiffness and help the range-of-motion of muscles.


Increased Recovery Time

It can take weeks, and sometimes months or longer, to feel completely normal after an accident. Massages help the blood flow in the muscles, so this can lead to a speedy recovery. Depending on the severity of an accident, you might need to go to a massage therapist more frequently.


Mental Trauma

Car accidents can be very traumatic and stressful. After something so traumatic, it can lead to sleep deprivation and even depression. Massage therapy is a place to go that creates a relaxing environment, with music and smells, and is a perfect place to destress. This can help you unwind after a scary situation.


Whether for mental or physical reasons, it is always a great idea to consider getting a massage after a car accident. We also suggest seeing a doctor first and aligning treatment to your injuries. Insurance might even cover it. Check with your provider and see if this is something they offer. If you are interested in a massage for post-accident, please contact Sean’s Massage Center.


Top Reasons to Get a Massage

Massages offer plenty of benefits for patients, both mentally and physically. Even if you don’t have a physical need for a massage, it can benefit you in some other way. Massages are not always used for injuries or pain. Some benefits come from relieving stress, muscle pain, chronic pain and much more. If you are hesitant about trying massage therapy, here are some of the things it can heal.


Stress and Anxiety Relief

Taking an hour out of the day to relax and have time to yourself does wonders for the mind. When you come to Sean’s Massage Center, they have relaxing music playing during the massage to shut out all the outside noise. The smells of lavender and essential oils create aromatherapy. It’s a place to relax overall.


Chronic Pain

Lower back pain is a common source of chronic pain. Chronic pain in everyday life can make doing simple tasks very difficult and painful. Massage therapy can alleviate lower back pain as well as neck, shoulder, knee pain and many more areas of the body.


Reduces Headaches

Headaches can be caused by discomfort in the neck and jaw area. This can come from stress as well. Even with pain-relieving medicine, headaches can persist. Massages help reduce the tension in these muscles, overall decreasing headaches.


Improves Flexibility

Most people don’t realize that massage therapy can increase flexibility.  The range of flexibility is derived from muscles, so relaxing the muscles with massages benefits flexibility as well as blood flow. Even if you do not work out regularly, this can still benefit your muscles.


Helps Manage Depression

Massage therapy can help reduce depression, primarily when it is associated with pain.  A severe injury or chronic pain can lead to depression, and by managing the pain it can make a world of difference to a patient.


Improves Immunity

Research states that Swedish Massages increases the cell count that fights off diseases (increases oxygen in blood cells). It helps increase your immune system to fight off future illnesses.


Just a simple hour out of your day can bring you benefits in one way or another–from decreasing anxiety all the way to healing chronic lower back pain. If you are interested in these benefits, please contact Sean’s Massage Center to set up your appointment today.




Who Should Get a Deep Tissue Massage?

A deep tissue massage is performed by a professional and consists of a massage that uses deep stroke technique and applying firm pressure. These deep, firm strokes help break down scar tissue as well as muscle knots (these can cause tension). If you have chronic pain or stiffness, this massage could serve as a great benefit to pain relief. Although, if you have blood clots, this massage may not be for you. Blood clots can become dislodged. Not only are massages beneficial for decreasing pain, but they are also great for reducing stress. Massages are a great alternative healing method. Deep tissue massages are also beneficial to everyone, especially if you have any of the following issues.

Postural Problems

Deep tissue massagesrelax your overworked muscles that are the consequence of using bad posture. During the massage, it helps your back fall into a natural alignment that is healthy and creates a natural movement in the spine. A bad posture can also cause many more issues. Having a bad posture can put pain in your lower back, but it is also a difficult habit to break. With a massage, you get to sit back and relax.

Sprain Injuries

With sprain injuries such as a sprained ankle or wrist, a deep massage can help provide a faster recovery. The deep strokes and firm pressure can help blood flow, thus allowing more oxygen and reducing swelling.

Limited Mobility

Massages help increase blood flow, alleviate stress, stimulate blood flow, and can even increase mobility and flexibility. If you have limited mobility due to a previous injury or muscle issues, a deep tissue massage might bring you some of that mobility back.


Muscles can tighten during exercise, so it is always important to stretch. Having a massage once in a while can reduce the chances of a sprained muscle. Active people are more at risk for pulling something especially if they do not stretch. This is a great way to prevent injuries. Massages are also a great way to enhance your athletic performance.

Stress Relief

Massages are a way to reduce physical pain but also great for emotional release. During the massage, the atmosphere includes warm Aveda oils, relaxing music, and a feeling of peace. Giving yourself an hour of tranquility can do wonders for the mind.

Deep tissue massages have many benefits and can help a variety of injuries. If you think you have these issues, contact Sean’s Massage Center for more information on deep tissue massages. During a deep tissue massage, make sure to communicate with the therapist if it feels painful.

Top 5 Benefits of Massage for Couples

Have you ever tried a couple’s massage? It is a great way to unwind and heal with your significant other. With warm oils and soothing music, every couple can benefit from this experience. Massages have plenty of physical benefits as well as mental benefits. Massages are great if you have chronic pain or even have stress to be relieved. Here are some beneficial reasons to book a massage for you and your partner.


Increasing Connection

Couple’s massages are done side by side, in a relaxed setting that is intimate and calm. Massages increase serotonin and dopamine, which creates a release of chemicals in the brain that makes you feel happy. This sensation creates a sense of connection during the massage and couples leave feeling that way as well. Couple’s massages can also increase the feeling of intimacy.


Quality Time Together

What’s a better excuse for a date? Instead of doing massages at home and not getting a massage in return, come to Sean’s Massage Center and enjoy some pure relaxation. Sometimes it is hard to get out of the house and do something for yourself, especially with a busy life. A massage is not only beneficial to you, but also to you and your partner as a couple. When is the last time you spent quality time with your significant other with no distractions?



Busy lives make it hard to take an hour or so to slow down and focus on the moment. A massage is a quiet zone, phone-free with no distractions from the outside world. This is an opportunity to get away from all the noise and an opportunity to ground yourself. A massage can also create a space of mindfulness, achieving focus on the present moment that can be a therapeutic experience.


A New Experience

If you have never scheduled a massage before, a new experience can help you and your partner bond. It is something a couple can share and talk about, which plays a big role in maintaining a successful relationship. There are many different types of massages you can get, so you can make it a new experience. A couple’s massage is a great way to spice up date night and bring new enjoyment.


Whether you are bonding with your partner or focused on having a relaxing date, a massage is an ideal way to spend time together. Sean’s Massage Center offers a variety of massages such as a stone massage (deep body cleansing), chocolate raspberry, salt glow, trigger point, deep tissue, and even a Swedish massage which is done with light and medium strokes. Contact us today for more information on booking an appointment.

New to Acupuncture? Here’s What You Should Know

What is acupuncture? To some people, this unique way to treat pain or improve overall wellness can be a bit extreme. Some people may assume acupuncture is a painful procedure. Acupuncture is a traditional Chinese medicine that involves inserting a very small needle into specific skin spots on your body that are designed to treat your area of pain or to relieve stress. This comes from the belief of following invisible lines where the “qi” flows, stimulating specific points. The acupuncture is meant to remove blockages in the flow of qi. A patient may have up to 20 needles in them at a time depending on the treatment. This is a great form of treatment if you would like to take a holistic approach to wellness. Here are a few things you should know.

Getting Started

Your initial appointment may take up to an hour. This first appointment is to determine the problematic issues that you are trying to heal, as well as an overall examination. If you have issues such as lower back pain, chronic pain, tightened muscles, or anxiety this is the step where you will address it. This helps give the patient the best treatment possible.

Placing the needles

Next, it is time to strategically place the needles. This is always done by a trained professional. Placing the needles may cause a little discomfort. Placing the needle strategically can even release the body’s endorphins. How far the needle goes in depends on the area being targeted. After all the needles are in place, they remain for around 20 minutes while you relax.

Being open-minded about this unique treatment has also shown to benefit patients. Do not give up after one session. Sometimes it takes a few appointments to relax and feel pain relief. During the session, it helps to think that the acupuncture is working and allow your mind to focus on something peaceful.


As a result, a patient should see improvements in relieving pain or stress. Acupuncture works best if you stay consistent with appointments. Acupuncture may not be right for everybody. Studies have shown that acupuncture is very safe with little risk of side effects. Acupuncture can help with back pain, digestive discomfort, neck pain, headaches,infertility and much more.

Patients should also see if their insurance will cover acupuncture treatment before coming in. Most insurances will cover this if it is related to a medical issue.

If this sounds like something that could benefit your health, please schedule an appointment with Sean’s Massage Center.

Swedish Massage Therapy for a Calm and Relaxed Body

The human mind, body, and spirit are interlinked and co-exist in a harmonious but delicate balance. Anytime this balance is disrupted, it impacts the overall well- being of the body. Healthy eating, exercise, sufficient rest, and a stress free environment are crucial to maintaining this delicate balance. However, we live in a space and time where each of these factors are impacted by an ever busy lifestyle both on the work and personal front.


Fitting in a healthy eating and exercise regime are difficult enough not to mention de-stressing from time to time. In such a situation you can do with all the help you need to ensure your mind, body, and spirit continue to exist in a harmonious balance. Frequent massage therapy is one of the most effective ways of making this happen.


Swedish Massage Therapy


Nothing soothes tensed muscles and a stressed out mind and body like a nice Swedish massage. Just image lying down in a softly lit room, surrounded by relaxing smells while experienced hands gently massage and knead your knotted shoulders and the muscles on your back. A Swedish massage therapy isn’t just about pampering your body, it also offers certain health benefits.


Using the flat of their palm, the heel of their hand, or their fingertips practitioners work up pressure on the tight spots while also loosening and lengthening your muscles. This massage technique works not only to relieve stress of the body, but it is an excellent relaxer. The bigger benefit of a Swedish massage is that it is designed to enhance blood flow and circulation to large muscle groups. By aiding better circulation, the body is primed to get rid of toxic wastes and also benefit from an improved metabolic rate. Better circulation is crucial for the body to run at optimal levels.


Another big benefit of getting a Swedish massage is that it helps in relieving pain. Anytime the muscles are tensed or stressed or blood flow and circulation are hampered, the body experiences pain. Since the massage strokes used in a Swedish massage are in sync with the way blood circulates in the body, an improvement in circulation automatically helps in easing the body and various muscle groups leading to relief from pain. In addition to stress related pain, Swedish massage can also help in relieving chronic pain conditions which include fibromyalgia and arthritis. As a complementary form of treatment, Swedish massage is one of the alternative forms of medicine used for aiding treatment programs for relief from injuries and certain illnesses.


Stemming from the premise of a holistic approach to better health, Swedish massage therapy when used in conjunction with Western medicine can prove to be highly effective in furthering mental, physical, and emotional betterment of a person.


Come Experience Swedish Massage Therapy at Sean’s Massage Center  


When you come in for a Swedish massage therapy at Sean’s Massage Center, you can expect to not only be pampered, but also walk away feeling rejuvenated in mind, body, and spirit. Practitioners at Sean’s Massage Center are trained to ensure complete mind and body relaxation which means all you need to do is schedule an appointment and let the benefits of a Swedish massage therapy percolate through your body.

Promote Overall Wellness during Pregnancy with Prenatal Massage

Pregnancy is a time of great joy for any woman. But it also places a lot of stress on the body and on the mind of a soon-to-be mother. The fetus is growing and your body needs to change and adapt at a rapid pace to keep up with the needs of the child inside you. In addition to a metabolic change, the body’s skeletal and muscular structure also undergoes a lot of changes. During pregnancy, most women will undergo the discomfort in the form of a stiff neck, headaches, backaches, leg cramps and edema (swelling).


While a woman, most women actually, go through these discomforts without complaining, a prenatal massage therapy can help the soon-to-be mom to cope better with all the pregnancy discomforts. You will love the feeling of getting pampered and cared for.


Reduce Stress and Anxiety


The feeling of anxiety and or feeling stressed are not uncommon during pregnancy. And for this reason, a prenatal massage can be the perfect solution as it helps in reducing stress and promotes overall wellness. Furthermore, the massage helps relieve the conditions associated with pregnancy mentioned earlier. Prenatal massage therapy works by reducing stress on weight-bearing joints and it also helps improving blood circulation. When your body and mind are relaxed, you are also able to sleep better which in turn can help in dealing with hormonal changes which often lead to mood swings.


Benefits of Prenatal Massage


Prenatal massage offers a number of benefits for pregnant women. And it is important to note that not all women undergo the exact same kind of degree of discomfort associated with pregnancy. But you can always discuss your specific concern or condition that you want relief from with the practitioner.


Here are some of the most common conditions that can be relieved through prenatal massage;


  • Massaging of the head, shoulders and neck can help relieve headaches while trigger point therapy can help with lowering the chances of migraines or tension headaches.
  • By improving blood circulation, muscle tension can be effectively relieved. Prenatal massage also helps improve the flow of lymphatic fluid so the body is better equipped to eliminate metabolic waste and toxins.
  • Backache, leg cramps, fatigue can be relieved through prenatal massage. Since pain killers are to be avoided mostly, unless your doctor gives permission, the best way to deal with the aches and pains you experience on a daily basis is through prenatal massage which helps in the release of serotonin (your body’s natural pain killer).
  • A good night’s sleep and sufficient rest are very important during pregnancy. Prenatal massage can help with both as serotonin, endorphin and dopamine are released during the massage provide allowing you to completely relax in mind, body, and spirit.


Prenatal Massage at Sean’s Massage Center


At Sean’s Massage Center, practitioners are trained to provide the most comfortable and relaxing conditions for all prenatal massage clients. Depending on how far alone you are with your pregnancy, your practitioner will go with different techniques of massage therapies that are best suited to your body.


To learn more about the benefits of prenatal massage and or to book an appointment, visit our prenatal massage page.

Strengthen your Bond with a Relaxing Couples Massage

One of the biggest challenges of the modern era is finding enough time to do the things you want to do with the person that you like. Because let’s face it, between work, long commutes, and chores at home, 24 yours of the day just doesn’t cut it anymore. The business of living is so complex and time consuming, enjoying some quiet time with your special someone actually takes days or even weeks of planning ahead.


Couples Massage for relaxation


Whether you are a regular massage enthusiast or a first time massage client, you probably are sufficiently familiar with the multitude of benefits it offers. Even if all that you have experienced by way of massage was a two minute shoulder rub, you know how wonderfully relaxing it can be. If a two minute shoulder rub can feel so good, imagine what a complete 30-45 minute massage therapy in the perfect ambience can feel like. But wait, there’s more. Imagine enjoying the massage therapy with your better half or your special someone. It does paint a sweet picture and it is one of the best ways of spending some quality time with your partner.


Benefits of Couples Massage


Yes, there are multiple benefits of a couples massage. In addition to allowing you and your partner to indulge in and enjoy being pampered together, massage is of the most effective ways of relieving the stresses and strains of everyday life even if it is only for a few hours. Enjoying this stress free experience with your partner can only help in enhancing the feeling because it is a couple activity.


The human body is definitely a wonder. But it can only take so much of stress and strain and abuse. A nice relaxing massage is also the perfect solution to relieving some of the common conditions bought on by living a high-stress lifestyle. Improved blood circulation helps in alleviating common aches and pains such as tension headaches and tensed muscles. As oxygen-rich blood courses freely through your body, its affects can be wonderful and much needed. In addition to relieving tensed muscles, a healthy blood circulation is essential the skin. Your metabolism gets a boost and your skin will actually feel light and more elastic.


Based on what kind of massage therapy you opt for such as Swedish massage, or Thai massage, or if you decide to go in for more intensive massage therapies such as reflexology or acupuncture, you and your partner are sharing the experience at the same time. This can create a powerful moment of new or renewed connection between you and your partner.


Try Couples Massage Therapy at Sean’s Massage Center


Practitioners at Sean’s Massage Center are trained professionals in all forms of massage therapies. You can talk to your practitioner about what you would like to try and our practitioners will ensure that you and your partner are able to absorb the maximum benefits of the therapy you opt for. The release of all the “feel good” hormones actually helps couples overcome some of the difficulties they face both in their personal as well as professional lives.


So if you haven’t tried couples massage or if you feel the experience is something that will help enhance your quality time together, then visit our couples massage page to learn more and or to book an appointment today!

Get Relief from Chronic Pain Conditions with Trigger Point Therapy

Trigger point therapy is an alternative form of medicine that focuses on identifying and releasing trigger points which are located in the skeletal muscle. These trigger points which when compressed produce pain and in most cases are a result of injury or trauma to the muscle fibers. Trigger point therapy which is also known as myofascial trigger point therapy or neuromuscular therapy is commonly used in treatment of pain-related conditions which include headaches, lower back pain, and temporomandibular joint pain. Trigger point therapy can also help in alleviating conditions such as carpal tunnel syndrome, sciatica, osteoarthritis, tinnitus, and pain caused by sports injuries.


What are Trigger Points?


Trigger points occur anytime there is injury or trauma to the muscle, or strain to the muscle tissue caused by repetitive movements of the body such as while working at the computer for long hours without breaks, from playing, and or from emotional stress, inflammation, anxiety, exposure to toxins in the environment, allergies, and nutritional deficiencies. Any of these can start a trigger point which if ignored can lead to pain and suffering for life.


Why you should not Ignore Trigger Points?


The muscles, tendons, ligaments and joints are always working and under stress or strain with any activity we perform. And while physical activity is important for building strength and flexibility, it can also lead to postural damage and restricted blood flow which in turn gives rise to pain signals. If you are experiencing lingering pain, or if you feel a level of tightness or restriction with certain movements, you very well could be experiencing the effects of a trigger point.


Why Trigger Point Therapy is so important in Treatment of Pain?


Trigger points will not disappear if you superficially massage or rub the surface of the skin. What is really required and what really works is systematic and deep sustained pressure to the trigger points.  Once the practitioner starts compressing the trigger point, the body will respond by relaxing of the soft tissue. This allows and frees the flow of blood to the muscles. When the muscle is pumped with blood the spasms reduce and the traumatized tissue is effectively cured. This kind of therapy also helps in eliminating the build-up of toxic metabolic waste. In addition to relaxing the muscle, the very motions of a massage can help in alleviating pain signals as the brain relaxes. When this happens your neuromuscular system starts to gets back on track.


Trigger Point Therapy at Sean’s Massage Center


The massage professionals at Sean’s Massage Center spend years in training and are highly experienced in the art of trigger-point massage therapy. Understanding the cause of the trigger point is one of the primary tasks of the practitioners. One of the most commonly used techniques in this form of healing is the application of pressure to the knotted muscle directly. This area is then kneaded to increase the blood flow to the affected area and to release the knotted muscle tissue. The number of sessions depends on the gravity of the situation and the pain. While some people will find relief after a single session, others might require multiple sessions.


Visit our Trigger Point Therapy page to know more about and how it can help you relieve pain.

Don’t Let Peripheral Neuropathy Cripple your Lifestyle

Peripheral neuropathy affects the peripheral nerves in the hands and feet. The condition results in symptoms such as numbness, pain, and weakness. It leads to changes in sensation and can impact both movement and involuntary functions. Pain is the body’s best defense against hurt and injury. Without pain, it becomes next to impossible to detect injury and hurt especially in the absence of blood. This is what makes peripheral neuropathy a dangerous condition. The numbness caused due to peripheral neuropathy makes it difficult for a person to recognize an injury.

In addition to sensory nerves, peripheral neuropathy can cause autonomic and motor nerve damage. When motor nerves are damaged, it can lead to partial or total loss of muscle control which in turn impairs movement. Muscle atrophy or loss of muscle tissue is not uncommon in people with peripheral neuropathy and when this happens a person’s ability to perform certain tasks such as writing is affected. On the other hand autonomic nerve damage can impact important involuntary functions such as swallowing.


What Causes Peripheral Neuropathy?


There are several factors and causes of this condition. However, some of more common causes include the following;

  • Hereditary factors.
  • Chemotherapy drugs for cancer treatment.
  • Infections such as HIV.
  • Exposure to toxins such as mercury and lead.
  • Certain types of prescription medications such as those used in controlling high cholesterol.
  • Excessive alcohol intake.


The condition is called idiopathic neuropathy in cases where a specific cause cannot be attributed to the disease.


Massage Therapy as an Alternative form of Relief from Peripheral Neuropathy


While the condition is mostly difficult to treat and cure given the fact that any kind of nerve damage cannot be completely reversed, certain forms of treatment and alternative medicine in particular can offer considerable relief to anyone with peripheral neuropathy.


At Sean’s Massage Center, professionals are trained in the art of reflexology, acupuncture and a variety of massage techniques each of which can effectively relieve pain and discomfort associated with peripheral neuropathy. The benefits of massage therapy are multiple and for most patients of peripheral neuropathy the added relaxation that comes with a good massage can really help in dealing with the stress that the condition causes especially with respect to reduced motor functions.


Some of the benefits of massage therapy include:

  • Relief from pain.
  • Improved circulation to the area that is massaged.
  • Visible and tangible ease in tension and stiffness of the body’s muscles.
  • Relaxation of the mind and body.
  • Strengthening of the healing process as the body and mind are almost prepped for improved response to allopathic treatment.


If you or someone you know is suffering from peripheral neuropathy then contact Sean’s Massage Center for a customized massage therapy treatment for relief from pain caused by the condition. Professional massage therapy can effectively increase circulation to affected areas and to damaged nerves. With increased blood flow to damaged nerves, the pain, the numbness and the tingling or burning sensation can be alleviated to a large extent.


Visit our peripheral neuropathy page to learn more or to book an appointment today.