
How Acupuncture Can Help You Improve Your Health

Photo by Antonika Chanel on Unsplash

Acupuncture is gaining popularity in our culture. First practiced in traditional Chinese medicine, this technique helps balance the body’s energy. For the purposes of this article, we will talk about the application of thin needles when referencing acupuncture, but there are other methods. These other methods will depend on your needs. Acupuncture’s integrated approach supplements other wellness techniques that can reduce medical issues in the body. Its main usage has been in pain management, but people are becoming aware of other benefits as well. Let’s look at how acupuncture can improve your health.

Where Acupuncture Is Applied

Inserting the thin needles into the skin in one of the 14 main energy sources allows for improved health benefits. There are 360 different points on the body where these needles add benefits to the user’s health. The practitioner will learn about your concerns at the start of your session in order to help target the treatments. These points will be nerves entering muscle, the midpoint in the muscle, or where muscles and bones join. Needle placement, the number of needles used, and the combination of placement will vary for each client.

Acupuncture Studies

Pain reduction via acupuncture has also gained credibility in structured studies. In one study, patients experiencing lower back pain agreed to try using acupuncture and using other methods. The results showed acupuncture can reduce pain. Over 17,000 patients studied with back, neck, and headache complaints prove acupuncture’s effectiveness. As a result, pain reduction can lead to more activity, reduced reliance on medications, and improved moods. Additionally, another large study in Beijing proved acupuncture could help improve insomnia. Finally, studies done since 1998 show marked improvement in stress, hormone imbalances, and other concerns during pregnancy.

Health Benefits of Acupuncture

The health benefits follow the studies above in cause and effect. Reduced pain improves our mood, keeps us active, and lets us lead more fulfilled lives. Additionally, reducing reliance on pain medications allows the side effects to ease and lets users to get back to feeling “normal” faster. Finally, better sleep helps with activity, concentration, and general wellbeing. Also, pregnancy can be a stressor for women, with body changes causing pain, insomnia due to discomfort, and other issues through hormone balance. All these issues reduced or alleviated by acupuncture are significant health benefits for the duration of the pregnancy.

Contact Sean’s Massage Center Today

Do you have pain, trouble sleeping, are pregnant, or are on medications? Call Sean’s Massage Center today for a consultation on how we can help. Helping people feel their best allows them to live their fullest life. Because of this, our mission at Sean’s Massage Center is helping facilitate good outcomes for our clients.

What Can Glute Massages Do For You?

Photo by Sergio Pedemonte on Unsplash

When thinking about massage, people tend to focus on the back. Not considering a glute massage can be due to misinformation. Comprehending the benefit of this type of massage starts with understanding this critical muscle. The gluteus maximus is the largest muscle in the body. As such, it provides stability and interconnectivity for all movement and balance throughout the body. Glute massages ensure this critical muscle is working at the highest level possible. Ensuring glute muscles are loose and well-conditioned decreases pain and improves overall functionality.

Alleviate Lower Back Pain

You may be experiencing lower back pain after certain activities or extended periods of sitting. The logical response is to massage or stretch the back. The underlying concern can lie in the glute muscles that are tight or not firing, causing pain to radiate. Critical muscles and tissues from the vertebrae and the pelvis cross into this region of the body. One of these is the sciatic nerve, which can be impacted by a tightness causing back pain. A shooting pain that radiates into the lower back or down the legs can be an indicator of distress in this nerve. Massaging the glutes enables strengthening and stretching, which improves the pain and corrects the issue.

Improve Fitness Performance

Athletes who run, squat, or walk all know about called the iliotibial band (IT). This thick group of fibers connects from thigh to knee, and down to shinbones. Leg and hip pains experienced during exercise are often due to tightening in this band. This band also attaches to the hips and can impact overall flexibility throughout the entire lower body.  With a glute massage, you can help loosen these muscles and rebalance all critical muscles needed for proper movement.

Reduce Discomfort Caused by Pregnancy

As hips are displaced during a normal pregnancy, glutes can be pushed into new and uncomfortable positions. Added stress in the pelvic area can cause sciatic nerve concerns, which glute massaging can relieve. Additionally, one of the other concerns is that heat on the lower back in pregnancy is not always advised. In the first trimester, added heat or massaging is not recommended. As body changes continue to cause discomfort, a glute massage is a good alternative. Due to this concern, having a glute massage can help the impacted muscle groups.

Reduce Risk of Injury

The tightening of muscles causing pain forces a person to adjust by using other muscle groups. For example, someone’s left hip is feeling sore. Individuals limp or put pressure on the other leg to alleviate pain. This causes muscles to work differently and can cause new injuries. Muscles being unable to do their primary job causes delegation of these movements to other muscles. As a result, this can cause more injuries and stresses in the muscle and nervous system. A glute massage stretches these muscles to help them resume their normal functions.

Improve Daily Activity

When in pain, individuals tend to limit movements and daily activity. This is true when a leg muscle, back, or hip hurts as no movement will often decrease said pain. Inactivity doesn’t fix the issue, though; it just temporarily eases it. The underlying muscles, nerve, or pain-causing imbalance remains. Stretching and toning muscles through massage can mean better daily activity through better muscle health. Glute massaging as a preventative measure to keep muscles healthy is advised.  Muscles firing all cylinders increase daily activity. This massage also lessens the likelihood of injury and enjoyment of daily life.

To find out more about how glute massage can help benefit you, contact Sean’s Massage Center today!

Do You Get Headaches? Here’s How Massage Can Help

Photo by Anh Nguyen on Unsplash

Headaches have various causes. Stress, not sleeping enough or in odd positions, and physical activity or lack thereof can contribute to headaches. All these lifestyle issues cause muscles to tense, impact blood flow, and can radiate pain into the head. The causes of these headaches and underlying issues can be relieved by massages.


Stress Relief

We all experience stress in a variety of forms in our world. Stress causes us to tense up and hold our bodies in unintended positions. This causes muscle and tension headaches. Massage professionals can help diagnose whether tension is the underlying cause of your headaches. A massage professional relieves pressure in muscles around the head and shoulders. This work helps to minimize the effects of our stressful lives. A massage professional will target areas that will relax tissues and muscles attached to the base of the neck. This relaxation eases the tension that can travel up into the head and eye area. These massage techniques can even help in alleviating migraine pain in certain cases.

Sleep Patterns

Not getting enough sleep can cause headaches. Insomnia is another stressor to the body. This tension relays the imbalance to the muscles in the head and eye area, again causing pain. Additionally, sleeping in bad positions can cause muscles to overcompensate and tense up. Relaxing these muscles, easing tensions, and overall reduction of muscle tightening can allow better sleep. Better sleep feeds the body, which is why eight hours of sleep is the medical recommendation for good health. Better sleep through massage helps improve stress levels, reduces reliance on medications, and can cause improved physical movements when awake.

Physical Activity

Another root cause of headaches is too much or too little physical activity. Again, muscles not moved enough can stiffen and feel locked in place. Athletes and others may also experience muscle tension, and this causes headaches as the pain moves up to the head. Ensuring that all muscles in the back, neck, and shoulders are loose, fully functioning, and used regularly is critical to minimizing headaches. Massage is a maintenance activity to keep well-used muscles loose and prevent more pain, like headaches, in the body. For individuals with limited movement due to health or other concerns, massage can help with muscle atrophy and ensure these do not contribute to headaches and other bodily health issues.

Contact Sean’s Massage Center Today

Muscle health is critical to keeping headaches at bay. Thus, a massage by a professional can help diagnose and target issues contributing to headaches and restore balance in the body. It’s critical to make sure that they are targeting necessary areas through deep massage. Contact Sean’s Massage Center to find a professional you are comfortable with and who can help you live a headache-free existence.

Columbus Residents: Here are 5 Benefits of an Acupuncture Membership

One of the fantastic benefits we offer here at Sean’s Massage Center is a monthly membership package for acupuncture treatments.  A Monthly Community Acupuncture Membership is sold for $69.00 a month, and a $15 initiation fee. This membership includes 4 treatments a month, and $10 for each additional treatment. Sounds good, but your next thought might be, why does this make sense for me? Here are just a few outcomes to consider when weighing the benefits of an acupuncture membership.

Acupuncture Membership Cost Savings

If you already know the benefits of acupuncture, the cost savings for you might be most attractive. A traditional single pay session of acupuncture currently runs $25.  Thus, the acupuncture membership offers a savings of $31 a month which equates to a free session every month over per session rates. If you are new to this treatment, a single session won’t always provide optimum results. Several treatments at this reduced rate are good for your pocketbook and your overall health. By allowing a more patterned use of acupuncture, it will improve the benefits of this time-honored treatment.

Peace of Mind with Membership

You can budget this part of your health maintenance like a bill each month, and not have to worry about coming up with a payment each time you visit our center. This investment in your health over time will pay dividends in peace of mind, stress reduction, as well as other digestive and medical benefits. When you feel pain, stress, or other imbalances in your body, having this membership allows you a sense of calm. Simply pick up that phone to book a session and let us get you back to the best life possible.

Stress Relief

Stress is a real part of this crazy world in which we all live. Acupuncture minimizes stress and allows us to live our best life possible without headaches, fatigue, and other side effects stress can induce. Acupuncture membership allows four treatments each month as part of this healthy additive to your overall wellness regime. Keeping your stress minimized on a regular basis helps in contributing to better health. More productive restful sleep and your higher energy levels are side effects of reduced stress.

Memberships Make Fantastic Gifts

We all have those friends that are hard to shop for because they have everything.  Everyone benefit from some much-needed healthier lifestyle support.  For this reason, as acupuncture helps your stress and well-being, you will want to share it with others.  The ability to gift a friend, family member, or maybe a coworker with something that will impact their happiness and health is wonderful. Having such a positive impact on someone’s happiness is going to be a fantastic alternative. This gift of less stress and better health will be appreciated more than a coffee mug or some other gift would.

Part of Healthy Lifestyle

While we have already touched on this, it must be said again that this acupuncture membership is a piece of an overall healthy lifestyle. Regular participation in physical activities, eating right, and acupuncture or massage helps keep our bodies tuned. This optimum mind and body balance is probably the best benefit that this acupuncture membership can provide. Knowing that you can schedule regular tune-ups to treat a chronic concern keeps additional symptoms at bay. Maybe just keeping your entire body and mind balanced and at its prime is the goal.  This objective will be accentuated by all the other benefits mentioned above. Whatever the reason, this acupuncture membership as a holistic part of your fitness regime is the best benefit of all.




3 Questions Ohio State Students Ask about Acupuncture

Sean’s Massage Center has served Ohio State students for years now. We’re always here to answer their questions about massage, general wellness, and more. These days, a lot of Ohio State students have become curious about acupuncture. Can it help with studies, for example? And what exactly is it? This process uses tiny needles to stimulate different parts of the body. It releases endorphins, helps muscles relax, and leads to overall wellness and relief. We’ve listed the most frequently asked questions we get from Ohio State students. Take a look at the questions below.

Why Is Acupuncture Good for College Students?

Acupuncture is great for college students, but why? First of all, it eases stress and anxiety. College students face a lot of stress these days. The classes are tougher than they were in high school. Students are also dealing with the stress of being on their own, succeeding in extracurricular activities, and maintaining a balanced life. This stress causes sleep problems and other health issues. Acupuncture promotes relaxation, helping college students deal with that stress.

Next, it also eases discomfort. College life comes with all kinds of aches and pains. Spend enough time hunched over a desk, and you’re bound to get headaches and neck pain. Acupuncture can provide relief from these pains.

Is Acupuncture Expensive?

Is acupuncture expensive? It doesn’t have to be. It’s no secret that college students don’t always have a lot of money. Thankfully, a group called The People’s Organization of Community Acupuncture (POCA) uses donations to fund group acupuncture experiences regardless of income. Sean’s Massage Center offers community acupuncture several times throughout the week.

Will Acupuncture Hurt?

Most college students haven’t tried acupuncture before. It’s a completely new experience, and one of the first questions people ask is whether or not it will hurt. Generally, the answer is no. Most people report feeling only a minimal prick from the needles. As a matter of fact, a lot of people report that they don’t feel the needles entering the skin at all. Remember that these needles are tiny. They’re much smaller than the needles we associate with doctors offices, and they don’t enter the body nearly as deeply.

Sean’s Massage Center

Do you want to see how acupuncture can help your college life? Then book your first appointment to see the difference that it can make. Find out why so many of your fellow Ohio State students choose Sean’s Massage Center.


4 Conditions We Can Treat with Acupuncture

Acupuncture is a medicine style practiced by licensed acupuncturists to treat a wide array of conditions. It may seem daunting if you have a fear of needles, but the perks of healing with acupuncture are marvelous. To settle any confusion about whether an acupuncturist can aid you, here are four conditions treatable by acupuncturists.

Chronic Pain

The most common problem acupuncturists deal with is chronic pain. It does not matter where you hurt or why; acupuncturists can help to relieve your discomfort like it has for many others. Don’t go another day with unnecessary or disabling pain; try out an acupuncturist and see if it works for your pain.

Chronic Stress

Stress can build up faster than any other construction in progress. It is hard to manage and sometimes crippling. Severe stress poses a risk to your health, as many studies over the years have claimed. Acupuncture is an excellent method of handling the persistent pressure that stress induces. Instead of dealing with the horrible side effects of stress or even medication for it, try acupuncture.


Headaches and migraines can bring a screeching halt to the productivity of your day, and pills don’t always do the trick. Try acupuncture, and you will find your headaches shrinking in numbers and severity. You can’t honestly be yourself during a migraine, so take your issues to the acupuncturist and see what works for you.


Arthritis is another painful condition that holds you back from accomplishing tasks in your usual fashion. Get back to your old self without those pesky meds and try acupuncture. It can accommodate your arthritis, resolving pain, and putting you back on track.


Don’t lose hope if you haven’t seen your circumstances above because acupuncturists heal so much more. From reducing pain to improving mood, eyesight, and blood flow, acupuncture is the ultimate healer. If you want to learn more or try out acupuncture yourself, click here. Sean’s Massage Center has professionals waiting to help you with whatever issues you may have using certified acupuncturists. They also offer a wide variety of spa and massage treatments, so check them out and book yours today.

How to Find the Best Couple’s Massage in Columbus

Treating your partner to a couple’s massage is a thoughtful and romantic surprise. It shows them you care, understand that they work hard, and need to relax, but you need to find a quality establishment. There are advertisements for spa and massage centers everywhere. Knowing the worthwhile one is what’s tricky. A couple’s massage can make or break your date, and it all depends on choosing the right place. You need a reputable, certified place with professionalism.

Family and Friends

Friends and family are your most trusted advisers. Ask if they have ever had a couple’s massage; the answer may surprise you, and lead to an amazing couple’s massage for your date. Also, find out what your friends are doing to relax. If you have a friend or family member who gets therapy massages, acupuncture, or just relaxes in a professional center, then see what else that center has to offer. Couple’s massages are not hard to find and are often offered by professional parlors.

Online Reviews

Excellent businesses get good reviews. Look for a place with stellar ratings, leaving nothing to chance. Never book a massage without checking the online reviews beforehand, especially not a couple’s massage.

Certified Masseuse

The most important factor when choosing a couple’s massage place is knowing that the staff are not only well trained but certified by a degree. A noncertified masseuse’s massage is as good as a pat on the back. Don’t spend your money if your massage won’t benefit your body in the long run. 

Explore Your Options

Searching for the best couple’s massage can even be made into a fun couple’s adventure. Branch out! Go to a few different places. As long as it meets the circumstances above, there is a chance that a better and more relaxing time awaits you and your partner. Try a new one every week and when you find your favorite, you have accomplished finding the best couple’s massage. 

There are various paths to finding the best massage. If you want the best couple’s massage in Columbus, click here. Sean’s massage center is certified with professionals offering a wide variety of relaxing processes. Surprise your partner without hesitation, knowing that you picked the right place to take care of you both.

massage therapy for college students

How Massage Therapy Benefits College Students

College can be a stressful time. Between group projects, extracurriculars, and balancing several classes at once, college life can take its toll on your physical and mental health. What can you do to ease the stress? Massage therapy can help. As a matter of fact, massage therapy helps college students in several ways. Wondering about massage therapy for college students? Take a look at the next few paragraphs to find out how massage therapy can help you.

Ease Exam Stress

Massage therapy releases built-up stress. When you’re stressed out, your muscles get tense, you lose your focus, and you experience health problems. Massage therapy for college students can help. When you get a massage, your muscles loosen up, promoting overall relaxation. Massage lowers your body’s amount of cortisol, the stress hormone that causes your “fight or flight” response. Not only does massage lower your stress hormones, it also increases your feel-good hormones like serotonin, oxytocin, and dopamine. With regular massage therapy, you’ll feel relaxed, focused, and ready to take on those exams.

Reset Your Sleep Cycle

College students don’t often get enough sleep. That’s too bad, because sleep is absolutely vital for health and performance. You know that you need sleep, but maybe all of those all-nighters and energy drinks have messed up your internal clock. Thankfully, there’s a solution. Massage therapy for college students focuses specifically on sleep needs. Massage helps your body with its melatonin production. Melatonin is the hormone responsible for your sleep cycle clock. When you get a massage, you can reset this clock and rebuild your healthy sleep habits.

Take Time For Yourself

In college, you do a lot of things for other people. You turn in assignments for your teachers, maintain responsibilities for clubs, and practice for the good of your teams. In the long run, all of these things help your career and education. However, right now it may feel like you don’t do anything for yourself. Massage therapy for college students is different. When you get a massage, you’re doing something just for yourself.

Massage Therapy For College Students

Want to know more about massage therapy for college students? In that case, there’s no better place than Sean’s Massage Center. We offer personalized programs to meet your specific needs. We even accept insurance from Ohio State students. Book your massage today to notice the difference for yourself. Get ready for a more relaxed, healthier college experience.

glute massage

3 Things You Should Do Right After Your Massage

Massage therapy is an excellent way of restoring your mind and body’s balance. However, keeping that balance is tricky, and you want to hold onto it as long as possible. There are many things you can do after a massage to benefit or prolong the results. Here are the top three things you should do right after your massage.

Drink Water

It is of utmost importance to stay hydrated after a massage therapy session. During a massage, your body flushes itself of toxins. So, maintaining your hydration is key to keeping your body healthy and relaxed. Up to 70% of the human body can be made up of water at any time, but every time you use the restroom you lose water. Drinking tea, coffee, or soda with ice is not the same as replenishing your system with pure H2O. A recommended 12 instead of 8 cups of water helps to remove the extra toxins and keep you hydrated.


Schedule your massage for a completely free day if you can. If you don’t have all day off, just take the time after your massage to cool off. In other words, relax and don’t put any unnecessary stress on your muscles. Stay at home and keep your feet elevated to benefit circulation. Your muscles are being adjusted and fine-tuned during a massage, much like during a workout, so rest up. Your body will recover feeling better than ever.

Take an Epsom Salt Bath

An Epsom salt bath is the perfect way to prolong the relaxed, balanced feelings massage therapy promotes. The warm water improves circulation while the salt helps your aches and pains. Epsom salt is available in most grocery stores at a fair price. Baths and massages are the power couple of a relaxed, comfortable body.

Massage therapy can be paired with many activities. There is nothing complicated about keeping a happy and relaxed body after a massage. Stay hydrated, and don’t strain yourself immediately after your massage. For the best results, take an Epsom salt bath the same day. If you want professional relaxation and massage therapists who know what they’re doing, go to Sean’s Massage Center, and you’ll find what you’re looking for. They offer the best deals from acupuncture to couples massage, so book something today and your body will thank you later.


Couple's massages are relaxing.

How to Find the Best Couple’s Massage

So, you want to treat your partner to a couple’s massage, but you don’t know where to go. There are advertisements for spa and massage centers all around you, but which place has the best services? A couple’s massage can make or break your date, and it all comes down to choosing the right one. What you want is certified quality and professionalism; here is how to find it.

Ask Friends and Family

The most reliable feedback comes from close friends and family. Ask your peers if they’ve had a couple’s massage. If so, this is the best way to find out the nice places and places not to go. If not, it doesn’t have to be a couple’s massage that your friend has experienced. If you know anyone who gets therapy massages, acupuncture, or just relaxes in a professional center then see what else that center has to offer.

Check Online Ratings

Every great business has good reviews. Look for a place with stellar ratings, and leave nothing to chance. Never book a massage without checking the online reviews first, especially not a couple’s massage.

Be Certain the Masseuse Is Certified

Wherever you end up, the most important factor in choosing the right couple’s massage is knowing that the staff are not only well trained but certified with a degree and papers to prove it. There are a lot of posers and con artists in the world who think it is easy to give massages. That is inaccurate as it takes many years to become a certified professional. If you had a massage done by both an uncertified and then a certified masseuse, you would understand the depth of knowledge and technique acquired. Many certified establishments will happily show you their qualifications upon request, or in most cases have a degree on public display.

Try Out a Few

If you are truly in search of the best couple’s massage you shouldn’t settle for the first one you try. Branch out! Go to a few different places or try out other services at the same center. As long as the staff and office meet the circumstances above, there is a chance that a better and more relaxing time awaits you and your partner.


The best couple’s massage is not hard to find. If your friends and family have nothing for you, search online. Once you have found a place with certified staff and incredible ratings you can book the massage with no worries. Remember, to find the best couple’s massage, you have to try more than one.